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8 tips for remote working and boosting productivity

Posted on March 29, 2020

If you’re new to working from home, here are some handy tips to help you master the art of of remote working…

1.     Make an action plan

It’s all about routine. Don’t just roll out of bed and open your laptop — break your time down into hourly slots and make a list of everything you need to get done, including calls and meetings. This will help you to stay focused and switched on, as well as giving you time to have that all important (tasty!) lunch break.





2.     Get dressed

As tempting as it is to spend all day in your onesie — don’t fall down this slippery slope.  It’s far more difficult to get in the headspace for work when you’re in your pyjamas, so make sure you get dressed each morning before you start your working day. Plus, no one wants to be caught off guard by their boss on an unexpected video call…






3.     Set up your workspace


Just because you're not travelling into the office doesn't mean that you can't create an office environment at home. To avoid blurring the lines between work and relaxation, dedicate a specific room or surface in your home as your ‘workspace’ (and no, your bed does not count!)..






4.     Check your tech


It’s important to give yourself the proper tools for the job. There’s nothing worse than trying to work on large projects with a computer that just isn’t up to the task.

Accessories are important too. Treat yourself to a good wireless mouse, put on a decent headset and mic, and you’re all set to be the superstar of your stay-at-home team.

In need of some tech advice or inspiration? Currys PC World has a great selection of home-working accessories to choose from, which can be delivered straight to your front door.




5. Remove distractions

Whether it’s that Netflix show you’re desperate to finish or that game you can’t wait to tackle, don’t underestimate the pulling power of home entertainment. But be strong. In fact, lock away those joypads for your games console… they can be your end of day reward!

Plus, if you live with friends, family or a partner, make sure that they are aware of your working hours — you don’t want any unexpected guests on your next video conference!






6.     Stay connected


Teamwork makes the dream work, right? When working from home, it’s really important to stay in regular contact with your colleagues. Try to arrange a dedicated time each day for a group video call, or consider setting up a ‘WFH’ WhatsApp group for quick fire messaging (work related only, of course…).






7.     Take a break


Don’t forget to take frequent breaks to stretch your legs — even if that just means popping into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Stepping away from your screen and having a quick change of scenery will help to increase your productivity, concentration and drive. If you have a garden, why not take a little walk around outside?







8.     Remember to end your day


Without colleagues packing up around you and shouting goodbye, it can be easy to get stuck into a task and then let it drag on into the evening. Set an alarm to remind you that it’s time to switch off. And when the alarm goes off, you’re off the clock!


Now, where did you put those gaming joypads?

